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We Did it for Science

We put this collagen treatment to the test.

Hypothesis: A collagen facial called “Purigenex” claims to do the job of an injectible, and erase fine lines without a single needle.

Problem statement: We don’t believe it. So we’re testing it.

Procedure: Our tester visited holistic practitioner Susanne Bennett in Santa Monica. After Bennett took “before” photos, our tester relaxed and had a collagen-soaked paper mask applied to her face.

Forty-five minutes later, the mask was removed, and we gasped.

Results: Forehead lines were nearly imperceptible. Pores were almost invisible. Laugh lines were extremely shallow. An old pockmark had become almost completely invisible.

Conclusion: It works. Effects last up to five days, but become more pronounced and lasting after a series of treatments. To maintain, regular treatments are necessary.

We plan to experiment.